Great pictures deserve great treatment

In an age of ever increasing technology, we often forget to print our photos, especially from digital.

Print your images from a range of digital media and have them saved onto media, such as CD's and DVD's, so you are always able to retrieve your memories, even if your computer cannot. Pop in-store and print your digital images on our easy to use, fast kiosks.

As with film, we offer a range of photo sizes from digital media; Small (6"x4" 152mm x 102mm), Medium and Large (up to 12"x18" 305mm x 457mm), plus the option to have them printed on a matt paper to avoid those dreaded finger marks, or a gloss finish to give life to those special memories.

In addition, Snappy Snaps stores offer you the extra benefit of an index print from your film or digital card, making it easier for you to order reprints and enlargements.

To find out more about printing enlargements or posters from your images, click here.

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Print Prices

6" x 4"

Quantity Price
1-10 80p
11-39 60p
40-79 50p
80-149 40p
150+ 35p

8" x 6"

Quantity Price
1-10 £1.60
11-39 £1.20
40-79 £1.00
80-149 80p
150+ 70p

5" x 5"

Quantity Price
1-10 £1.00
11-39 80p
40-79 70p
80-149 60p
150+ 45p

7" x 5"

Quantity Price
1-10 £1.00
11-39 80p
40-79 70p
80-149 60p
150+ 45p

7½"x 5"

Quantity Price
1-10 £1.10
11-39 90p
40-79 80p
80-149 70p
150+ 55p

6" x 6"

Quantity Price
1-10 £1.60
11-39 £1.20
40-79 £1.00
80-149 80p
150+ 70p

9" x 6"

Quantity Price
1-10 £1.65
11-39 £1.25
40-79 £1.05
80-149 85p
150+ 75p


Quantity Price
1+ £7.00

8" x 8"

Quantity Price
1+ £6.00

10" x 10"

Quantity Price
1+ £10.00

4" x 4"

Quantity Price
1-4 70p
5-39 45p
40-79 40p
80-149 35p
150+ 30p

A3 (42cm x 29.7cm)

Quantity Price
1+ £14.00

18" x 12"

Quantity Price
1+ £15.00

16" x 12"

Quantity Price
1+ £14.00

14" x 11"

Quantity Price
1+ £13.00

12" x 12"

Quantity Price
1+ £13.00

12" x 10"

Quantity Price
1+ £10.00

12" x 8"

Quantity Price
1+ £7.00

10" x 8"

Quantity Price
1+ £6.00

Some useful tips on Digital Media

Avoid the following:
  • Taking pictures too fast: camera cannot finish writing before the next one is taken.
  • Turning off the camera whilst it is still saving information.
  • Removing the card whilst camera is still saving data to it.
  • Removing the card from the reader whilst files are still open.
  • Removing the card from the reader whilst it is still copying files to hard drive.
  • The battery levels running too low to write a complete image.
  • Large static charges to the card.
  • Airport x-ray machines.
  • Leaving the cards on or near strong magnetic sources.